
Cute african american girl playing with her dog.

Geothermal Basics

December 13, 2018

Geothermal Heating capitalizes on the fact that temperatures in the earth remain fairly constant when you dig just a few feet below the surface.

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Young women wearing winter cap working on laptop wrapped in a blanket at home with no heating

Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

November 30, 2018

We want you to be comfortable at home; you deserve to be! Here are seven furnace problems that could be causing uneven heat.

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Woman cooking a home cooked meal

Is Hard Water Ruining Your Home Cooked Meals?

November 16, 2018

The Holiday Season is here. Hooray, for food and more food! Find out how RO water can take your home-cooked meals to another level.

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Cleaning with soap and a sponge

Saving Money with a Water Softener

October 16, 2018

There are many benefits to using a water softener in your home. But, did you know that installing a water softener could also help you save money on your household bills?

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Furnace Maintenance

September 25, 2018

The first thing you should do for your gas furnace, or any of your HVAC systems, is to change the air filter. This should be done at least once a year, but as many as 3 or 4 times depending on the manufacturers specifications

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Baking soda poured to unclog drainage system at home

How Do I Fix a Clogged Drain in My House?

September 4, 2018

There are some home remedies you can try to clear a clogged drain. And things that you can do at home to help keep it from happening again. Try these things at home before investing in some of the harsh chemicals they sell at the store. Often these products can cause damage to your pipes…

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Running water coming out of a faucet.

8 Facts You Should Know about Lead in US Drinking Water

August 27, 2018

Lead in the water supply has been a concern in the United States for some time. For the last 20 years, government regulations have required municipalities to maintain certain levels and test for contamination on a regular basis.

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Air Conditioning Technician and A part of preparing to install new air conditioner.

Does Your Air Conditioner Need a Chemical Flush?

August 11, 2018

A chemical flush, or chemical wash, is performed when the usual washing and cleaning of your air conditioner parts does not solve the problems you are facing with your unit.

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Leaky faucet in Kalida

What Plumbing Problems Are Costing Me Money?

July 19, 2018

At Knueve & Sons, our plumbers recommend addressing the problems when you initially notice them to help you save money in the long run. What are the most commonly seen plumbing problems?

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Residential heating and air conditioner compressor units near residential house

How to Choose Between Quotes for Your New Air Conditioner

July 18, 2018

When you’re faced with replacing your air conditioner, it can be daunting. It seems there’s so much to know. And even when you have your standard three quotes from contractors, how do you know which one to pick?

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